Gush katif Museum

Shaarei Zedek St. 5, Jerusalem

Gush Katif square is to be dedicated in Jerusalem near the Gush Katif museum.

The Jerusalem Municipality Names Committee has unanimously approved a recommendation put forward by committee chairperson, deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Yael Antebi, to name a Jerusalem square after Gush Katif.The Jerusalem Municipality Names Committee has unanimously approved a recommendation put forward by committee chairperson, deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Yael Antebi, to name a Jerusalem square after Gush Katif.

Gush Katif square will be situated near the museum at No. 5 Shaarei Zedek St. and shall be one of the first things visitors to the museum will see upon arrival — a tribute to the Jewish history in Gush Katif and the Gaza region.

The naming of a square after Gush Katif is an important step towards creating a collective memory that will preserve and celebrate the achievements of the Jewish settlers in the Gaza region. 

Deputy mayor, Yael Antebi declared: “It is extremely important to commemorate the great Jewish settlement that was turned from a flourishing oasis into a desolate tract of land, while remembering the combined processes that led to the destruction of the Gush.”

The Gush Katif museum directorship expressed its gratitude to the chairperson of the Names Committee and its members, for their decision to commemorate the illustrious heritage of Gush Katif in close proximity to the museum. The museum has been open in its current location for over eight years and has transmitted the legacy of the Gush to hundreds of thousands of visitors.

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