Gush katif Museum

Shaarei Zedek St. 5, Jerusalem

Chanukah is the time to visit

Chanukah is the time to visit!

Bring the family to an unforgettable experience

At the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem!

With a wide range of exhibits,

and a magnificent display of Menorahs —

this is one experience you mustn’t miss!

Open daily throughout Chanukah

From 10:00am to 17:00pm

On Friday – till 13:00pm

Come and see the Gush Katif Menorah

Designed by international artist Eliyahu Idinov

Daily candle-lighting on Gideon Rivlin’s “Mortar Shells Menorah”, Hy”d — at 19:00pm

Shaárei Zedek St. 5, Jerusalem

Tel. 02 6255456


Present this ad at the entrance, and receive a 20% Discount per family!

To support the Gush Katif Charity Center, Call: 1-800- 450-440

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