Gush katif Museum

Shaarei Zedek St. 5, Jerusalem

Recognize the house! Give a ”like” and love to the dear Tal family.

Amazing!! The Tal family from the Gush Katif evacuees who now live in Nitzan arrived at the Gush Katif Museum. You will not believe it. They identified their past home in an aerial photography of Neveh Dekalim


Recognize the house! Give a "like" and love to the dear Tal family.

Amazing!! The Tal family from the Gush Katif evacuees who now live in Nitzan arrived at the Gush Katif Museum. You will not believe it. They identified their past home in an aerial photography of Neveh Dekalim. (May it be rebuilt  speedily in our time). The family watched "film 103" documenting the uprooting of their house in Neveh Dekalim. Thousands of visitors are now visiting the Gush Katif Museum to remember and not forget about Gush Katif and to learn about the glorious Jewry of Gush Katif and the legacy of the Gaza Strip since the Hasmonean period.

In the photo: The Tal family point to their home in Neveh Dekalim.

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