Gush katif Museum

Shaarei Zedek St. 5, Jerusalem


Moved to tears!

Eitan Aharon Steinmetz was born on the ninth of Av which was the first day of the Gush Katif expulsion, and his parents chose to call him Eitan so that the people of Israel would be strengthened despite the sorrow and destruction

Purim is around the corner and the demand for Gush Katif

How are you all? Purim is around the corner and the demand for Gush Katif
costumes is great. From past experience to dress up connecting to Gush Katif is a real
attraction. This year parents are already buying the "Gush Katif" costume for their children.

Gush Katif without a break!

We hope this finds you well. We wish to tell you about an amazing group of girls from Emunah and Omanut College in Jerusalem who came to identify with Gush Katif

Chanukah is the time to visit

Chanukah is the time to visit! Bring the family to an unforgettable experience At the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem! With a wide range of